Joval’s Maternity Moments at Sunset
There are moments in life that are definitely worth capturing and capturing them well is what I strive to do. This shoot was even more so special being that Joval was carring her first soon to be child. We ventured onto a beach that allowed us to drive to a point where no one would see us and we timed the sun as it fell quickly giving us less than 40 minutes to complete this session. Baby daddy was on hand and very supportive and joined in on both the shoot and as an assistant. We managed to capture so many looks in this beautiful dress from sheslayzz.com who I have worked with in the past and love her stylish and fresh outfits but mainly her beautiful personality.
Some of the photos were delivered to Joval and she loved them so far, she is yet to get the whole set which will be delivered as soon as 3 days after shoot. I dont shoot 30 or 50 photos I do a shoot and may sometimes go overboard but once I am in that zone, why not enjoy and create. Here I posted a few and will add some more so consider this a preview.
Please share, like or comment. Your feedback is vital to me and my growth as a artist. Oh … the lens is my paintbrush. Do enjoy and long press on any photo to share or download.